Policy On The Use Of AI in Scientific Writing

This policy aims to improve transparency and offer guidance to all participants in the creation process, including authors, editors, reviewers, readers, and contributors. The publisher will monitor trends and adjust the policy as needed. This policy explicitly addresses the writing process and does not apply to the use of AI tools for data analysis in research.

When employing generative AI or AI-assisted technologies in writing, authors should utilize these tools solely to enhance the language and readability of their work. Human oversight and regulation of these tools are vital, and authors must carefully review and edit the generated output. Ultimately, the author is responsible for the accuracy and quality of the work.

To ensure transparency regarding the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process, authors are obligated to provide a statement at the end of their manuscript under a new section entitled "Declaration of Use of AI in the Writing Process," which should be placed before the References. The statement should read: The author(s) used [NAME TOOL/SERVICE] during the preparation of this work to [REASON]. Following the use of the tool/service, the author(s) conducted a thorough review and editing of the content as needed and accepted full responsibility for the publication's content.”

It is important to highlight that this policy does not extend to fundamental tools such as grammar and spelling checkers. If there is no relevant information to disclose, kindly state "nothing to disclose."

Authors are prohibited from listing AI and AI-assisted technologies as co-authors or designating them as authors. The designation of an author entails certain responsibilities and obligations that are exclusively the domain of human beings. Each author or co-author is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of their work, and they must provide their approval for the final version before it is submitted. Furthermore, authors are required to confirm that their work is original, that they satisfy the criteria for authorship, and that it does not violate the rights of any third parties.

Is this policy applicable to the utilization of artificial intelligence and AI-assisted tools in research, particularly in areas such as data processing?

No. This policy explicitly addresses generative AI and AI-assisted technologies utilized in scientific writing. It does not restrict the application of AI and AI-assisted tools in the formal design or methodologies of research. We recognize that this practice is widespread across various disciplines. When AI or AI-assisted tools are utilized in this manner, they must be clearly identified as part of the research methodology, and detailed information should be included in the Methods section.