Data Sharing Policy

Authors submitting their research articles to the International Community Health Journal (ICHJ) are strongly encouraged to include their research data as a supplementary file at the time of submission or to deposit it in a suitable data repository. Furthermore, authors need to cite this dataset and provide a corresponding link within their article. In cases where sharing research data is not possible, authors should include a statement detailing the reasons for this limitation. Sharing research data can enhance authors' visibility and ensure that their data is readily accessible and discoverable by fellow researchers.

A Research Data Availability Statement:

  • Ensure that your research data is deposited in a relevant data repository or included as a supplementary file in the journal (ICHJ).
  • Ensure that you cite and include a hyperlink to this dataset in your article.
  • Should it be impractical to share the research data, kindly articulate a statement that explains the rationale behind the decision not to make the data available.

Data availability statements typically manifest in one of the following formats:

  • The datasets generated and analyzed throughout this study can be accessed in the [NAME] repository at the following web link: [PERSISTENT WEB LINK TO DATASETS].
  • The datasets generated and analyzed during this study are accessible from the corresponding author upon a reasonable inquiry.
  • All data generated and analyzed throughout this study are incorporated within this published article, along with its supplementary information files.
  • The datasets generated and analyzed throughout this study are not publicly accessible owing to [REASON(S) WHY DATA ARE NOT PUBLIC]. However, they can be requested from the corresponding author, provided the request is reasonable.
  • This article does not pertain to data sharing, given that no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.
  • This study's findings are based on data that can be accessed through [THIRD PARTY NAME]. It should be noted that there are limitations regarding the availability of these data, which were used under a licensing agreement for this study and are not publicly accessible. Nonetheless, the authors are open to providing the data upon reasonable request, subject to the approval of [THIRD PARTY NAME].

Should ICHJ not provide specific directives, authors have the option to employ or adjust the statements provided above. Additionally, depending on the research's context, it may be essential to integrate multiple statements.